Display Current Year with Shortcode

Follow the below steps to display the current year with shortcode anywhere in WordPress.

Install ShortcodeHub Plugin Install ShortcodeHub Plugin

NOTE: If you already have installed the ShortcodeHub plugin then skip this step.

  1. Buy ShortcodeHub and Download the ZIP
  2. Then, Go to Your WordPress Website
  3. Plugins > Add New
  4. Click on the Uploads button
  5. Select the zip and Click upload
  6. Then, Click on Activate plugin.

Done. You’ll see the ShortcodeHub plugin dashboard screen.

Top ↑

Use Year Shortcode in WordPress Use Year Shortcode in WordPress

Use the shortcode:

[sh_date format='Y']

Below is the output of the above shortcode:

2024 Top ↑

Display Current Year With Mixed Text Display Current Year With Mixed Text

Suppose you want to show the text with the current year something as below:

Current year [sh_date format='Y']

Below is the output of the above shortcode:

Current year is 2024