
After install and activate the QDocs plugin:

  • Go to Doc > Analytics

First time you’ll see the screen like below:


At the left side you can see the section User Feedbacks which shows 0 likes and 0 dislikes.

Also, Below is the list of Dislikes Docs and Likes Docs which shows message:

No doc found.

This is because there is not any send it’s feedback.


Recently, For demo purpose, We had created a doc Product 1 in the Add new doc section.

Which looks like below:


We can see the section Was this helpful? which have like and dislike icons.


I have clicked on the Like icon. After I visited to the Analytics page which shows the likes count and likes doc list as below:


Let’s like another one FAQ doc as:

In the Analytics screen we can see the total likes and the like doc list as below:

On this page