Getting Started

In this quick doc, we’ll see how to use the Free Assets Library plugin to download millions of free images, videos, and audio directly into your WordPress website.

Download Plugin Download Plugin

You can download the Free Assets Library plugin from and from

Option 1) Download from Option 1) Download from

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Option 2) Download from Option 2) Download from

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Install Plugin Install Plugin

There are two ways to install the plugin:

  • Option 1) Install from the Downloaded zip
  • Option 2) Install from the WordPress Website

Please check about both in the below section.

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Option 1) Install from the Downloaded zip Option 1) Install from the Downloaded zip

  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Click on Upload Plugin
  • Select the plugin zip
  • Click on Install Now
  • And finally, click on Activate Plugin

See below short video for reference:

Install from the Downloaded zip
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Option 2) Install from the WordPress Website Option 2) Install from the WordPress Website

If you don’t have the zip then you can directly install the plugin from your WordPress website.

  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Search for “Free Images Library
  • Click on Install Now
  • And finally, click on Activate Plugin

See below short video for reference:

Install from the WordPress Website
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How to use Plugin? How to use Plugin?

In this section, We will see how to use the Free Assets Library plugin to download the free images.

You can use the plugin with:

  • Option 1) Download free images from Media Popup
  • Option 2) Download free images from the admin page

Below are the details of each option.

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Option 1) Download free images from Media Popup Option 1) Download free images from Media Popup

You can download the images from the WordPress admin page as well.

  • Go to Edit any post/page/custom post type
  • Add an image to the post content
  • Open media upload popup
  • Select the Openverse or Pixabay tab
  • Search for the image
  • Click on the image
  • Change image name, title, caption, description
  • Click on the Download image

See below short video for your reference:

Download free images from Media Popup
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Option 2) Download free images from the admin page Option 2) Download free images from the admin page

You can download the images from the WordPress admin page as well.

  • Go to Media > Free Media Library
  • Select the Openverse or Pixabay tab
  • Search for the image
  • Click on the image
  • Change image name, title, caption, description
  • Click on the Download image

See below short video for your reference:

Download free images from the admin page