Free Assets Library

Download Free Images from 1.4+ Million CCO public domain Images.

Description Description

Image is one of the most important part of website.

Download royalty free images/photos under CC0 public domain for your own blog. Select images/photos from 1.4 million royalty free stock photos.

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Features Features

  • New* – Filter images by color.
  • Easy search from 1.4+ millions of images.
  • Direct download into the media library.
  • Automatically set the image TITLE tag for SEO purposes.
  • Automatically set the image ALT tag for SEO purposes.
  • Automatically Image attribution (of original image author) in the image description field for SEO purposes.
  • Automatically create SEO-ready images of names.
  • Download images in different sizes.
  • 100% safe, model-released images.
  • Easy lightbox navigation to see multiple images.
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Filter Images By Color Filter Images By Color

The new feature Filter images By Color is available from plugin version 1.4.0.

See below video:

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Example Example

Below image is imported from the plugin.

Tulip Flower Orange Red Yellow  - PetrGanaj / Pixabay
PetrGanaj / Pixabay
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Screenshots Screenshots