
All-in-one multi-purpose shortcode builder with ultimate pre-build shortcode library.

No coding knowledge is required!

Simply select the hook from the front end and add your custom shortcode there.

See below the Quick video.

Create a New Shortcode Create a New Shortcode

Also, See how it works from scratch!

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Shortcode Types Shortcode Types

We have categorized the shortcodes into groups. These are basic, core, and post query.

Basic Shortcodes Basic Shortcodes

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Text Editor Text Editor

Add your text content in the TinyMCE or Text editor and show them anywhere with the help of a shortcode.

Or Select the hook from the front end to show that content. It’s easy!

Code Editor Code Editor

(PRO) Do you have a custom code snippet that needs to show with a shortcode? Or Are you a developer who has some custom PHP code to show it with shortcode?

Then, Simply create a shortcode with “Code Editor” and add the custom code. And then show it anywhere with the help of a shortcode. Or append to any hook.

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Core Shortcodes Core Shortcodes

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Widget Shortcodes Widget Shortcodes

Do you have any custom widgets? Then simply select it from the dropdown and show it with a shortcode. (Note: The style is applied to the widget per theme).

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Most of the time we need the custom menu to show somewhere. To fulfill this requirement we have added the Menu shortcode support in the ShortcodeHub.

Just select the menu which you want to show with shortcode and just use it anywhere.

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Post, Page, and Custom Post Type Shortcodes Post, Page, and Custom Post Type Shortcodes

We create some custom post types and also we create categories, tags, and custom taxonomies.

We add the content in these post types and show themes on specific pages as per our requirements.

To do it from a scratch, Technically we do it with WP_Query. And without coding, it was not possible.

But, Now! It’s Possible with ShortcodeHub!

  • Just select the shortcode type (Simple Grid, Masonry, Glossary, Inbox View, etc.)
  • Select Post Type & Categories. (Set no of items, categories, tags, etc.)
  • Yup! That’s it! Just copy the shortcode and use it anywhere.

Below is the list of some shortcode styles for the Post Query Builder.

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Simple Grid Simple Grid

Show the post, pages, and custom post types in the form of a Simple Grid.

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Inbox View Inbox View

Show the items in the Inbox View style.

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Masonry Grid Masonry Grid

Masonry Grid: Make a Masonry Grid of post, page, and custom post types.

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Glossary Glossary

Easily create a Glossary of the post, page, and custom post types.

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Summary Summary

Make a summary of the post, page, and custom post types.

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Timeline Timeline

Make a Timeline of the post, page, and custom post types with the Timeline shortcode.

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Accordion Accordion

Make an Accordion of the post, page, and custom post types with the Accordion shortcode.

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Tabs (coming soon) Tabs (coming soon)

Make a Tabs layout of post, page, and custom post types with the Tabs shortcode.

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List (coming soon) List (coming soon)

Make a Simple List of posts, pages,s, and custom post types with the List shortcode.

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Make a Carousel of a post, page, and custom post types with the Carousel shortcode.

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Slider (coming soon) Slider (coming soon)

Make a Slider of the post, page, and custom post types with the Slider shortcode.

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Filterable Grid (Pro) Filterable Grid (Pro)

Show all items and filter them with categories, tags, and taxonomies with the Filterable Grid shortcode. Get ShortcodeHub Pro

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Pagination Grid (Pro) (coming soon) Pagination Grid (Pro) (coming soon)

Show all posts, pages, and custom post types with pagination with the Pagination Grid shortcode.

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Category, Tag, or Custom Taxonomy Shortcodes Category, Tag, or Custom Taxonomy Shortcodes

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Simple Grid (coming soon) Simple Grid (coming soon)

List all selected categories, tags, or custom taxonomies with the Simple Grid shortcode.

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Advanced Grid (Pro) (coming soon) Advanced Grid (Pro) (coming soon)

List categories, tags, or custom taxonomies with assigned posts with the Advanced Grid shortcode.

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Utility Shortcodes Utility Shortcodes

We have added many more helpful shortcodes. These include post, author, theme, plugin, date & time, etc.

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Date and Time Shortcodes Date and Time Shortcodes

We have added the date and time shortcodes to show the date and time as per our needs.

Date Examples Use the below shortcodes to show the current date.

[sh_date format='d/m/y'] Outpuut – 15/02/19

[sh_date format='d-M-Y'] Outpuut – 15-Feb-2019

Date & Time Examples Use the below shortcodes to show the current date & time.

Example                             Output
[sh_date format='d-m-Y h:i:s a'] 15-02-2019 05:57:15 pm
[sh_date format='d-M-Y h:i:s a']    15-Feb-2019 05:57:15 pm
[sh_date format='d F Y h:i a']      15 February 2019 05:57 pm

Time 12 hrs Examples Use the below shortcodes to show the current time in 12 hours format.

Example                     Output
[skip][sh_date format='h:i a'][/skip]    05:57 pm
[skip][sh_date format='h:i A'][/skip]    05:57 PM
[skip][sh_date format='h:i:s a'][/skip]  05:57:15 pm
[skip][sh_date format='h:i:s A'][/skip]  05:57:15 PM

Time 24 hrs Examples Use the below shortcodes to show the current time in 24 hours format.

Examples                    Output
[skip][sh_date format='H:i a'][/skip]    17:57 pm
[skip][sh_date format='H:i A'][/skip]    17:57 PM
[skip][sh_date format='H:i:s a'][/skip]  17:57:15 pm
[skip][sh_date format='H:i:s A'][/skip]  17:57:15 PM
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Single Post Shortcodes Single Post Shortcodes

In a single post, page, or custom post type if we want to show the title in the content anywhere then just use the shortcode [sh_post_title]. This return returns the current post title.

Or If you want to show any other post title then just add the id of that post in the shortcode. E.g. [sh_post_title id="123"]

This shortcode code returns the title of the post whose id is 123.

Below is the complete list of shortcodes.

[sh_post_content] [sh_post_excerpt]


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Author Shortcodes Author Shortcodes

In WordPress main user roles are Administrator, Author, Editor, Contributor, and Subscriber. We can create more user roles as per our requirements.

Suppose we want to show the current user name then we can show it with a shortcode [sh_author_display_name] or show any other user name by passing the user id in the shortcode.

E.g. [sh_author_display_name id="1"] This will return the display name of the user whose user id is 1.

Below is the complete list of shortcodes.

[sh_author_display_name] [sh_author_first_name] [sh_author_description]


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Theme Shortcodes Theme Shortcodes

As a developer of themes and plugins most of the time we need to show our current theme or plugin version on the website. There is a change after updating the theme.

So, We have added the theme shortcode in which we can show the currently installed theme information on the website.

Use a shortcode [sh_theme_version] to show the currently installed and activated theme version.


Use shortcode [sh_theme_version slug="awesomepress"] to show the AwesomePress theme version. Here we pass the theme slug in the shortcode.

Below is the complete list of shortcodes.

[sh_theme_list] [sh_theme_name] [sh_theme_version]


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Plugin Shortcodes Plugin Shortcodes

Same as the theme we have added the plugin shortcodes to show the currently installed plugin information.

Use a shortcode [sh_plugin_version] to show the currently installed and activated theme version.


Use shortcode [skip][sh_plugin_version init="shortcodehub/shortcodehub.php"] to show the ShortcodeHub plugin version. Here we pass the plugin init file name in the shortcode.

Below is the complete list of shortcodes.

[sh_plugin_name] [sh_plugin_version] [sh_plugin_description] [sh_plugin_author]