Toggle Likes or Dislikes

User have choice to change its feedback at any time.

Overview of Toggle Feedbacks Overview of Toggle Feedbacks

After install and activate the QDocs plugin. You’ll see the default Analytics screen as below:


So, our analytics screen showing the likes and dislikes as below:


We can see the Dislikes Docs are:

  1. Install with FTP

And, Likes Docs are:

  1. FAQ
  2. Product 1

Now, User have choice to change his feedback at any time.

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How the change the feedback with Example? How the change the feedback with Example?

Recently the user set the dislike for doc Install with FTP. But, Now, maybe user want the unset his Dislike.

So, Use can just visit to the doc and click on the dislike button again.

When user again click on dislike then we reset his dislike feedback and show use the doc as:

Also, From the analytics screen the dislike feedback is decreased as:

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Change feedback any time Change feedback any time

User can change its feedback at any time for any case.

Case 1: User previously not set any feedback

  • User can set like
  • Or, dislike

Case 2: User previously set the doc as like

  • User can unset his like
  • Or, User can click on dislike which reset the like and increase the dislike feedback

Case 3: User previously set the doc as Dislike

  • User can unset his dislike
  • Or, User can click on like which reset the dislike and increase the like feedback